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Mahad Aisyah binti Abu Bakar

Contact Us

If you have any questions about Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakr, feel free to contact us through the channels below:

  • +62 857-7737-6854
  • • Jami, RT.03, RW.04, Sukajaya, Tamansari, Sukajaya, Kec. Tamansari, Bogor, West Java 16610

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    Route to Mahad Aisha

    Angkot Route from Baranang Daytime Terminal:

    1. From Baranang Daytime Terminal take the road towards KFC.
    2. In front of KFC Tugu Kujang Naik 03 (Cimahpar-BTM) or 05 (Ciheuleut-BTM)
    3. At BTM take 03-BCN(Bogor Curug Nangka)
    4. Passing Pertigaan Damang – Jl. Captain Yusuf – Ciapus Intersection – Jl. Ciapus Buniaga – Jl. Sukaresmi – Jl. Sukajaya
    5. Get off at Kp Ojek Base. Jami Bottom.
    6. Walk or take a motorcycle taxi +/- 550 mtr to Mahad Aisyah

    Private Route/Online Taxi:

    1. From Baranang Siang Station or Terminal 1. On the booking screen Type the direction of destination – Ma ‘had Aisha Binti Abu Bakr Li ‘al Dakwah Sukajaya –Without strips and keep quoting 1.
    2. Passing Pertigaan Damang – Jl. Captain Yusuf – Ciapus Intersection – Jl. Raya Ciapus – Kp. Jami Atas – Kp. Jami Bottom.

    Angkot Route from Station:

    1. From the Station take the road to Taman Topi.
    2. In front of BJB Bank take 02 BTM Direction
    3. At BTM take 03-BCN(Bogor Curug Nangka)
    4. Passing Pertigaan Damang – Jl. Captain Yusuf – Ciapus Intersection – Jl. Ciapus Buniaga – Jl. Sukaresmi – Jl. Sukajaya
    5. Get off at Kp Ojek Base. Jami Bottom.
    6. Walk or take a motorcycle taxi +/- 550 mtr to Mahad Aisyah


    Under the Lajnah Khairiyah Musytarakah Foundation (YLKM), Mahad Aisyah bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah is the first Muslim boarding school in Indonesia, manhaj Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama ‘ah located at the foot of Mount Salak, Bogor, West Java.

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