Frequently Asked Questions
A collection of questions about
Mission of Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah is:
Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah is the Mahad equivalent of the Muslim-specific Bachelor Degree Program based on Al-Qur ‘an and As-Sunnah in accordance with Salafush Shalih’s understanding. Students are required to be active in Arabic and memorize Al-Qur ‘an. 30 Juz are in charge (InshaAllah).. In 2020, Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakar Li al-Dakwah has received international certification in the form of ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management and ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management.
Has the new academic year 2021-2022 student registration been opened?
Yeah, it’s open. For Registration of New Student Admission Wave 1 opens on January 1 to June 4, 2021.
Here is the timeline of PMB Waves 1 and 2:
Can registration be done online?
Yes, registration can be done online through the official website of Mahad Aisyah bint Abu Bakr, and can be accessed through the link
Here is the online registration flow (online):
Are there scholarships for the academic year 2021-2022?
For the new school year 2021-2022 scholarships are not available as in previous years. However, we are working to make the scholarship quota available again in the future.
Are Foreign Nationals (WNA) able to register and study at Mahad Aisha?
Yes, foreigners can register and study at Mahad Aisha, on the condition of using a Study Visa. At present Mahad Aisyah has several students from abroad, such as Cambodia and Thailand.
Is it possible for a married person to register and study at Mahad Aisha?
Yes,you can. There are no age or status restrictions (married or not). As long as the prospective student has a junior high school diploma/equivalent and willing to stay in the dormitory during lecture period, he/she can register.
How long is the lecture at Mahad Aisha?
Bachelor degree course at Mahad Aisha was conducted for 4 years (8 Semesters) with details of first 1 year of language preparation/i ‘dad lughowi and following 3 years of Islamic and Sharia science program lectures
How much does a lecture at Mahad Aisha cost?
For details of fees in Academic Year 2021-2022 can be found in the online brochure that can be downloaded at the link listed at the bottom of this page. If you have any questions, you can ask them directly via WhatsApp at 0857-7737-6854 (WA)
Here are the details of fees for Academic Year 2021-2022:
Are students allowed to bring and use gadgets?
Yes, students are allowed to use gadgets to support the learning process.. During the lecture activities, students are allowed to use their laptops in the classroom to access books, journals, and make assignments. Smartphones are allowed to be used in daily activities for communication and information access purposes.
Is the registration fee installable?
Re-listing fees can be instalmented provided that: the installment payment window is 1 week after PMB test participant’s graduation announcement
Does studying at Mahad Aisha have to speak Arabic?
Basic arabic language ability is a requirement to register, because when the selection exam will be tested arabic language ability verbally and in writing. As for lectures, it does use Arabic. During lectures in the first year, students will study and deepen their Arabic language, then in the following years study shar ‘i.
No Diploma/SKL yet, can I register?
For temporary, you can use 12th grade report card for semester 1, with a note submitting SKL or a photocopy of the diploma before the implementation of entrance test.
Is there an age limit for enrolling in Mahad Aisha?
There is no age limit to register, as long as you have a junior high school diploma/ equivalent, you can register at Mahad Aisha.
Yes, for participants who do not pass the Wave 1 Registration, they are allowed to participate in Wave 2 Registration by following the registration flow from the initial stage.
What materials will be tested during the selection exam?
First, you will be tested for basic Arabic proficiency in writing. Second, Tahfiz and Tajwid’s reading skills will be tested in Al- Qur’an. Third, is the interview test.
Are graduates from State High School able to enrol and study at Mahad Aisha?
Some of the main requirements for enrolling are women who have graduated from junior high school level/ equivalent and have basic Arabic language skills. So in this case, graduates from public high school can also register as long as they meet the other registration requirements. If it is declared passed during the selection examination, it can attend Mahad Aisha.
What is the curriculum used in Mahad Aisha?
Focusing on the special education of women based on Al-Qur ‘an and As-Sunnah which is implemented in the concept of constructive thinking to provide solutions to the challenges of a dynamic age.
What are the learning targets at Mahad Aisha?
Mahad Aisha has three learning targets, namely: 1) Memorize the Qur ‘an 30 Juz, 2) Be Proficient in Arabic, 3) Master the Science of Education and Sharia.
Will after graduating from Mahad Aisha take the title?
Insha Allah will get the title, which is S.Pd, currently in the process of licensing it.
Under the Lajnah Khairiyah Musytarakah Foundation (YLKM), Mahad Aisyah bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah is the first Muslim boarding school in Indonesia, manhaj Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama ‘ah located at the foot of Mount Salak, Bogor, West Java.
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