Muslimah Campus
aisyah bint abu bakar
Mahad especially the first daughter in Indonesia who manhaj Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama ‘ah with the understanding of Salafush Shalih
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Memorize Al-Qur'an 30 Juz
Guided by shaykhs from Middle East, students are required to read Qur ‘an 30 juz
Proficient in Arabic
The first year of college will focus on i’dad lughawi (language preparation)
Mastering Education & Sharia Scienceby
Focusing on the science of feminine fiqh.
International Certification
ISO Quality Management
ISO Environmental Management
Mahad Aisyah Bint Abu Bakar
Focusing on the special education of women based on Al-Qur ‘an and As-Sunnah which is implemented in the concept of constructive thinking to provide solutions to the challenges of a dynamic age.
In Mahad Aisha you can study the science around Islamic/Sharia law with a focus on the science of feminine fiqh. The following is a list of courses studied at Mahad Aisha.
Principal Skills
- Cooking
- Sewing
- Hijama
- Reflection
- Language Courses
- Nahwu
- Shorf
- Nushush Adabiyah
- Tadribat Lughawiyah
- Maharat Lughawiyah
- Indonesian Language
- English Language
- General Courses
- History of Sahabiyat
- Pancasila Education
- Civics Education
- Research Methodology
- Computer
- Educational Courses
- Tarbiyah Islamiyah
- Teaching Methods
- Sharia Courses
- Tauhid
- Alfiraq wal Madzahib, Ulumul Qur ‘an
- Ushul Tafsir, Tafsir
- Date Tasyri’, Hadith Ahkam
- Ushul Fiqh, Fiqh of Worship, Fiqh of Muamalat, Fiqh of Usrah, Fiqh of Jinayat
- Qawaid Fiqhiyah
- Thaharatul Mar ‘ah
- Language Courses
- Nahwu
- Shorf
- Nushush Adabiyah
- Tadribat Lughawiyah
- Maharat Lughawiyah
- Indonesian Language
- English Language
Contact Us
If you have any questions about Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakr, feel free to contact us through the channels below:
- +62 857-7737-6854
- Jami, RT.03, RW.04, Sukajaya, Tamansari, Sukajaya, Kec. Tamansari, Bogor, West Java 16610
Under the Lajnah Khairiyah Musytarakah Foundation (YLKM), Mahad Aisyah bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah is the first Muslim boarding school in Indonesia, manhaj Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama ‘ah located at the foot of Mount Salak, Bogor, West Java.
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