Globalization that impacts social change so quickly has a real impact on all aspects of life. The opportunities and challenges facing Muslims are increasingly complex, demanding the availability of human resources who have reliable competencies in the field of shar ‘i as a filter against the increasingly uncontrollable struggles of thought and culture. People are faced with culture of permisivme hedonism that is intensely encouraged by media of time with its various varieties.
Therefore, Lajnah Khairiyah Musytarakah Foundation (YLKM) in accordance with its basic budget is engaged in social, religious and educational fields and has also participated in organizing primary and secondary level education, role and active role as a nation’s child to educate religious Indonesian society.
Role of YLKM began to play in the world of education in 1996 by establishing Al-Matuq Orphan Boarding School in Sukabumi, which initially only housed orphans, the majority of whom came from orphans in eastern Indonesia who were victims of tsunami that hit the island of Ende and its surroundings. This boarding school continues to grow from year to year by opening all levels of primary and secondary education; MI, MTS, and Aliyah. In fact, since 2015 a special boarding school has been opened tahfidz which aims to give birth to reliable hafidz needed by the Indonesian people.
The following year in 1997 YLKM founded again Ibn Taimiyah Orphan Boarding School located in Ds. Sukaharja Kec. Cijeruk Kab. Bogor. This boarding school has opened all levels of primary and secondary education, MI, MTS and MA, even RA level.
After the tsunami that hit Aceh Province in 2004, YLKM re-established Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia’s western most province, namely Imam Syafii Islamic boarding school based in ds. Reuahat Tuha Kec. Sukamakmur Aceh Besar city, which opened secondary level education, namely junior high school and high school.
Following in 2014 YLKM re-established Boarding School in Bangkinang-Riau, namely Boarding School of Sheikh Muhammad bin Shaleh al-Utsaimin, which has now opened junior high school.
The number of students studying in boarding schools established by the foundation has reached almost 2000 students, both men and women at all levels of primary and secondary education. Each year, the boarding schools will continue with no less than 150 students. The alumni partly have a strong desire to continue their education to quality Islamic universities. However, these universities are not able to accommodate all alumni of the boarding schools established by YLKM.
On that basis, Foundation considers it necessary and has become an urgent need to open a college, one of the goals of which is to accommodate boarding alumni who are brought up by Foundation. Apart from the strong interest of Foundation to participate in educating, fostering and building a healthy society in Indonesia.
Since 2015 the Foundation has been preparing the establishment of high-quality schools that can produce and print experts in the field of sharee ‘ah. The number of divorce cases in Indonesia and in West Java in particular has become a shared fatigue to be resolved comperehensively. So the foundation views the establishment of Shari ‘ah high school that examines family law is one of the answers to problems faced.
Therefore, Lajnah Khairiyah Musytarakah Foundation plans to teach Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah. Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah is expected to be a platform for preparing cadres of scholars who are able to explore Islam in accordance with the current context from the main sources: AlQur ‘an, Hadist, and the books of previous major scholars. The patterns of higher education in Middle East are widely guided. In addition, with the existence of Mahad Aisyah bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah, it is hoped that tradition of Islamic boarding school can continue and not cut off at the same time as the completion of students from Islamic boarding school education. This is a response from various elements of Muslims to the phenomenon faced by Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia as mentioned above.
That Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah as an independent university, in carrying out its functions, duties and responsibilities is guided by the STATUTE. Therefore, STATUTA of Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah was prepared which served as a basic guideline for planning, developing the program and organizing the activities of Tri Darma College as well as a reference for the development of general regulations, academic regulations and applicable operational procedures.
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If you have any questions about Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakr, feel free to contact us through the channels below:
- +62 857-7737-6854
- Jami, RT.03, RW.04, Sukajaya, Tamansari, Sukajaya, Kec. Tamansari, Bogor, West Java 16610
Under the Lajnah Khairiyah Musytarakah Foundation (YLKM), Mahad Aisyah bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah is the first Muslim boarding school in Indonesia, manhaj Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama ‘ah located at the foot of Mount Salak, Bogor, West Java.
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