Vision and Mission



Mahad Aisyah binti Abu Bakar


About Mahad Aisyah

The first Muslim-only boarding campus in Indonesia that manhaj Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama ‘ah and has been certified

  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
  • ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management

Logo ISO 3 Transparan (1)


Become a college that gives birth to a generation of qualified, competent and moral Muslims in the life of community on the basis of Al-Qur’an and As-Sunnah in accordance with the understanding of Salafush Shalih


Mission of Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah is:

  1. Organizing a comprehensive education between shar ‘i science and foreign-language practice (Arabic and English)
  2. Providing educational service models based on Islamic values and the practice of boarding and caring for the environment
  3. Building a quality-oriented and environmentally conscious college management system to produce graduates who excel in karimah morals and have competitiveness in life
  4. Continue to improve the quality of education, improve research, and community service in the field of sharia as a manifestation of the role of Tridharma College


Mission of Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah is:

  • Organize a quality education management system.
  • Implementation of quality education programs and comprehensive coaching in order to increase the competitiveness of Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwahin the national scope.
  • The birth of qualified Muslim graduates, beneficial to the community, and istiqamah implements Islamic teachings and highly competitive.
  • Learning of Islam are lived and practiced by academica community Mahad Aisyah bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah and the community.
  • Increased research activities and community service in the field of Islamic education and preaching.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about Mahad Aisha bint Abu Bakr, feel free to contact us through the channels below:

  • +62 857-7737-6854
  • Jami, RT.03, RW.04, Sukajaya, Tamansari, Sukajaya, Kec. Tamansari, Bogor, West Java 16610

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Under the Lajnah Khairiyah Musytarakah Foundation (YLKM), Mahad Aisyah bint Abu Bakr Li al-Dakwah is the first Muslim boarding school in Indonesia, manhaj Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama ‘ah located at the foot of Mount Salak, Bogor, West Java.

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